4 – Control Surface Modes and OperationTASCAM FW-1884 Owner’s Manual 274.2.3 Programming EncodersThe eight channel encoders, as well as the three EQencoders, can all be reprogrammed. To display the pro-grammed message for an encoder, just turn it slightly.You will see a display something like this:To change the MIDI output(s): Checking or un-checking the four Port boxes will select or de-select thecorresponding MIDI output. MIDI messages gener-ated by the key that you’re programming will be sent toeach port whose associated box is checked.To change the MIDI channel: Use the up and downarrows of the Channel indicator box to change theMIDI channel. Alternatively, you can type in a MIDIchannel number from 1 through 16.To change the MIDI controller number: Use the upand down arrows of the Controller indicator box tochange the MIDI controller number. Alternatively, youcan type in a MIDI controller number from 0 through127.Encoders send continuous controller messages only, sothe NOTE ON/OFF and TOGGLED CONTROL-LER options on the FW-1884’s control panel aregrayed out.4.2.4 Programming FadersThe eight channel faders, as well as the master fader,can all be reprogrammed. To display the programmedmessage for a fader, simply touch the fader. The displayshould look something like this:(When you touch the master fader, you will see that itsprogramming information does not include bankinformation since it is a single, global control that isactive in all banks.)To change the MIDI output(s): Checking or un-checking the four Port boxes will select or de-select thecorresponding MIDI output. MIDI messages gener-ated by the key that you’re programming will be sent toeach port whose associated box is checked.To change the MIDI channel: Use the up and downarrows of the Channel indicator box to change theMIDI channel. Alternatively, you can type in a MIDIchannel number from 1 through 16.To change the MIDI controller number: Use the upand down arrows of the Controller indicator box tochange the MIDI controller number. Alternatively, youcan type in a MIDI controller number from 0 through127.Faders can only be MIDI controllers, and the NOTEON/OFF and TOGGLED CONTROLLER optionson the FW-1884’s control panel are greyed out.