Page 18 of 35FE 8 SupportVersion 1.10 drivers support the FE 8 channel strip expander unit. Below is a screen shotof the FE 8 tab in the Windows control panel. The Mac version is the same.The order in which multiple FE 8s are reported to a DAW can be changed in this tab byclicking an FE 8 Name Assignment and using the Move Up or Move Down buttons at thebottom. When clicking the Identify button, the highlighted FE 8 will flash its FireWire(1394) LED.It makes later FE 8 assignment easier (if more than one FE 8 is connected) if they arerenamed at this point. Many users, for example, will want to rename the FE 8s to reflecttheir physical position on the work surface (for example: “FE 8 Left, FE 8 Right”). Afterrenaming, the FE 8s must have their power cycled, then the new names will appear in theDAW for easy assignment. (In Windows, names entered in this dialog also become thenames of the MIDI device names available to your audio applications.)