1M-2600MKIIQUICK TIPSM-2600 MK II Application Guide Introductory BriefingThe M-2600 MK II Series mixing console offers tremendous signal routing flexibilitycombined with a versatile and musical equalization system. This guide is designed toassist you in maximizing your use of the mixer. To gain the most from this guide, configureyour system as outlined on pages 3 and 4.Taking Advantage of the M-2600 MK II’s Split EQ CapabilityThe M-2600MKII Series Consoles provide four band, splittable EQ on each channel strip.HI and LOW EQ are of the shelving variety while HI MID and LO MID EQ is sweepable.Both types of equalization default to the Channel Path.Beneath the HI and LOW EQ is a switch labeled MONitor. Pressing this switch places theHI and LOW EQ in the monitor path. Beneath the HI MID and LO MID EQ there is anotherswitch labeled MONitor. Pressing this switch places the HI MID and LO MID EQ in themonitor path.Beneath the HI MID / LO MID EQ MON switch is another switch labeled EQ. This switchinserts or removes the two types of equalization from the Channel Path only. Its functionis dependent upon the setting of the two MONitor switches.By taking advantage of the MONitor switches found in the EQ section of the M-2600 MK IIconsoles, you have the advantage of using the EQ in any combination that best suits yourneeds. As this level of flexibility provides countless opportunities to fine tune your mix, weencourage you to experiment with this section of the console. The following example isonly one of many possible uses for splittable EQ.You're mixing down eight tracks from tape with a number of virtual tracks via your MIDIsystem. The tape recorder is feeding TAPE IN, channels 1 through 8, which are nowplaced in the Channel Path via the FLIP switches. As your MIDI system is huge, you arealso using channel inputs 1 through 8 (LINE engaged) to accommodate the individualoutputs of your drum machine. These signals are now in the Monitor path. Channelone of the console is managing both the brass parts on tape (Channel Path) and thekick drum (Monitor Path) via the MIDI system.You want to boost the low end punch of the kick drum. Press the upper MONitor switch inthe EQ section. You can now adjust the LOW EQ control and affect a change to the kickdrum.By pressing the EQ button in the HI MID / LO MID area of the EQ section, you can nowexperiment with the sweepable EQ to obtain the greatest clarity from your brass partswhich are in the Channel Path - ensuring this track has the bite that it needs to cut throughthe mix.