26 TASCAM SS-R1/SS-R05Pitch Control playbackThe SS-R1/SS-R05 can modify the pitch (the pitch andplayback speed) of the playback (Pitch Control playback).Here is how to use Pitch Control playback.1 Press the front panel PITCH knob (or the remote’sPITCH key) to turn on Pitch Control playback.When this is on, the PITCH indicator in the display willlight in the home screen.2 Turn the PITCH knob (or use the remote’s PITCH +/-keys) to specify the pitch.While you’re making this setting, the display’s pitchcontrol value is shown as PITCH LVL XXX%.You can specify the pitch in a range of -16.0–+16.0.To turn off Pitch Control playback:• Press the front panel PITCH knob (or the remote’sPITCH key).The PITCH indicator in the display will go dark, andPitch Control playback will turn off. Even if PitchControl playback is off, the pitch you specified in step2 above is remembered, and will be valid if you turnPitch Control on once again.Repeat playbackYou can repeatedly play back all tracks in the play area, orrepeatedly play back a specified region within a track (A-BRepeat playback).Conventional repeat playbackIf you press the remote’s REPEAT key to turn Repeatplayback on, all tracks in the play area will play repeatedly(to do this on the SS-R1/SS-R05 itself, use menu mode).NOTEYou can use the PLAY menu item REPEAT to turn onRepeat playback from the SS-R1/SS-R05 itself.REPEAT will light in the display.In this state, all tracks in the play area can be played backrepeatedly.If you turn on Repeat playback during playback, playbackwill continue, and when it reaches the end of the play area,it will return to the beginning and continue playing. If youturn on repeat playback while stopped, repeat playbackwill begin when you press the PLAY key.To turn off repeat playback, press the remote’s REPEATkey once again (or turn the PLAY menu item REPEAT tothe OFF setting).The REPEAT indicator in the display will go dark.NOTEBy using repeat playback in conjunction with Single•playback, Program playback, or Random playback, youcan repeat a single song, repeat a program, or repeatrandom playback.The repeat function on/off setting is remembered•even when the power is off.A-B Repeat playbackThis lets you specify a desired region (A-B) within a trackthat will be played back repeatedly.1 While playing or stopped, press the remote’s A-B keyat the starting point (A) of the region that you wantto repeat.In the home screen, the REPEAT and A- indicators willblink.NOTEIf you press the REPEAT key, the repeat play startingpoint (A) will be cancelled, and REPEAT and A- will go dark.2 Once again, press the remote’s A-B key at the endingpoint (B) of the region that you want to repeat. If youcancel during playback, playback will continue pastthe point specified as the ending point of A-B repeatplayback.NOTEIf you press the STOP key to stop playback, the speci-•fied region (A-B) will be cleared.You can’t specify A-B repeat playback across tracks.•In the home screen, A-B will light (in addition to REPEAT).The region (A-B) has now been specified, and A-Brepeat playback will begin.To turn off A-B Repeat playback:• Press the remote’s A-B key or the REPEAT key.In the home screen, the REPEAT indicator and the A-Bindicator will go dark, and A-B repeat playback will becancelled.5 − Playback