Service and Repair Manual September 2016Secondary Boom Components40 Z-34/22 IC Part No. 127459217 Remove the cable covers from the top of theupper secondary boom.18 Tag, disconnect and plug the primary boom liftcylinder and master cylinder hydraulic hoses.Cap the fittings on the cylinders.Bodily injury hazard. Sprayinghydraulic oil can penetrate andburn skin. Loosen hydraulicconnections very slowly to allowthe oil pressure to dissipategradually. Do not allow oil tosquirt or spray.19 Using the overhead crane, lower the boomassembly to the fully stowed position.20 Pull all the cables and hoses through theupper pivot.Component damage hazard.Hoses and cables can bedamaged if they are kinked orpinched.21 Position a lifting strap from the overhead craneapproximately 2 feet / 60 cm from the platformend of the primary boom. Measure from theplatform end of the primary boom tube.22 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from theupper pivot to upper secondary compressionarm pivot pins. Place a rod through thecompression arm pivot pin and twist to removethe pins.23 Swing the compression arms down and out ofthe way. Secure them from moving.24 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from theupper pivot to the upper secondary boom pivotpin. Use a soft metal drift to remove the pin.25 Carefully remove the entire primary boomassembly from the machine (primary boomassembly, jib boom assembly, platform,master cylinder, primary lift cylinder and upperpivot).Crushing hazard. The primaryboom assembly could becomeunbalanced and fall whenremoved from the machine if notproperly supported by theoverhead crane. Do not removethe assembly from the machineuntil it is properly balanced.Note: During removal, the overhead crane strap willneed to be adjusted for proper balancing.26 Place the entire assembly onto a structurecapable of supporting it.27 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from theupper secondary compression arm pivot pins.Do not remove the pins.28 Position a lifting strap from an overhead craneat the center of the control box side uppercompression arm.29 Place a rod through the compression armpivot pin and twist to remove the pin. Removethe compression arm from the machine.Crushing hazard. The uppersecondary compression armcould become unbalanced andfall when removed from themachine if not properlysupported by the overheadcrane.30 Repeat step 29 for the engine side uppercompression arm.