32The vTuner Premium ServiceThe list of radio stations displayed by your K8 is prepared by an InternetService Provider, and transferred to your machine by data transfer. You canexpand and edit the 'Favourite Groups' and 'Added Stations' list to suit yourpreferences via the Internet portal of your service provider, using the mainmenu point 'Internet Radio'. This is the procedure:Open your Internet browser and call up the following web address:http://ta.vtuner.comThe first time you register you should enter the MAC address of your K2; theMAC address provides unique identification of your machine. The MAC addresscan be found in the Configuration menu (hold the button pressed in),and consists of six pairs of characters, e.g.: 00:0e:9b:cc:a4:35. You do not needto enter the separating colons when you enter this data. MAC addresses are inhexadecimal format, i.e. the address consists only of the letters a to f, and thenumbers 0 to 9.Confirm your entry.You must register with vTuner in order to be able to use the service; you canregister via your e-Mail address and a password. Please follow the instructionsstated by the service provider.Now you can select radio stations from the comprehensive inventory providedby vTuner, and store them in lists. The lists are transferred to your K2automatically via your Internet connection. Shortly after you have edited lists onthe vTuner page, or stored new stations, you will find that they are available onyour K8. Notes regarding Internet Radio:• Not all stations are always accessible- Not all stations transmit 24 hours- Stations are no longer accessible- Capacity exhausted• Transmission breaks off- (Internet) network problems- Server capacity exhausted