ReturnsNo Products will be accepted for replacement or repair without obtaininga Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number from UBIQUITI NETWORKSduring the warranty period, and the Products being received at UBIQUITINETWORKS’ facility freight prepaid in accordance with the RMA process ofUBIQUITI NETWORKS. Products returned without an RMA number will notbe processed and will be returned freight collect or subject to disposal.Information on the RMA process and obtaining an RMA number can befound at: FOR ANY EXPRESS WARRANTIES PROVIDED HEREIN, UBIQUITINETWORKS, ITS AFFILIATES, AND ITS AND THEIR THIRD PARTY DATA,SERVICE, SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE PROVIDERS HEREBY DISCLAIMAND MAKE NO OTHER REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,REPRESENTATIONS, GUARANTEES, OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,ACCURACY, QUALITY OF SERVICE OR RESULTS, AVAILABILITY,SATISFACTORY QUALITY, LACK OF VIRUSES, QUIET ENJOYMENT, FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT AND ANYWARRANTIES ARISING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE ORTRADE PRACTICE IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH PRODUCTS AND SERVICES.BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT NEITHER UBIQUITI NETWORKS NORITS THIRD PARTY PROVIDERS CONTROL BUYER’S EQUIPMENT OR THETRANSFER OF DATA OVER COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES, INCLUDINGTHE INTERNET, AND THAT THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES MAY BESUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS, INTERRUPTIONS, DELAYS, CANCELLATIONSAND OTHER PROBLEMS INHERENT IN THE USE OF COMMUNICATIONSFACILITIES. UBIQUITI NETWORKS, ITS AFFILIATES AND ITS AND THEIR THIRDPARTY PROVIDERS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INTERRUPTIONS,DELAYS, CANCELLATIONS, DELIVERY FAILURES, DATA LOSS, CONTENTCORRUPTION, PACKET LOSS, OR OTHER DAMAGE RESULTING FROM ANYOF THE FOREGOING. In addition, UBIQUITI NETWORKS does not warrantthat the operation of the Products will be error-free or that operation willbe uninterrupted. In no event shall UBIQUITI NETWORKS be responsiblefor damages or claims of any nature or description relating to systemperformance, including coverage, buyer’s selection of products (includingthe Products) for buyer’s application and/or failure of products (includingthe Products) to meet government or regulatory requirements.