37Appendix A: Mobile AppUniFi Video User GuideUbiquiti Networks, Inc.Recordings ScreenThe Recordings screen displays a list of recently recordedvideo clips from all cameras that are known to the UniFicontroller.Note: The recording of video clips is controlled bythe recording preferences defined on the Cameraspage of the UniFi Video app (see “Recording” onpage 11) and on the Camera Detail screen of themobile app (see “Camera Detail” on page 34).For each recording in the list, the following information isdisplayed:• A thumbnail image of the recording, superimposed withthe length of the recording in minutes and seconds• The starting time of the recording• The name of the camera which made the recordingTo view a recording, tap the recording to display theRecording Playback screen.Tap the filter icon in the top-right corner of the screento display the filtering options: Date Range, Cameras, Type,and Locked.Date RangeSelect a specific date or range of dates to filter whenlisting the recent video recordings.Today Displays a list of all recordings from today.Last Week Displays a list of recordings from the last sevendays.Last Month Displays a list of recordings from the lastmonth.Custom Range Allows you to display a list of recordingsbased on a range of dates and times specified by the user.• From Select the beginning date and time for yourrange.• To Select the ending date and time for your range.CamerasSelect specific cameras to view in the list of recentrecordings. If no specific cameras are selected, then allcameras managed by the NVR will appear in the list.TypeAllows you to select specific cameras based on theirrecording mode.Record on Motion Include cameras that record onmotion only.Always Record Include cameras that record all the time,regardless of motion.LockedLocked Filters the view on recent recordings for videoclips that are locked and cannot be deleted.Unlocked Filters the view on recent recordings for videoclips that are unlocked.