User Defined Fleet MapsType I Programming InformationWhen a Type I system is designed, the address information for all the IDs are divided into 8equal sized blocks. When you program your scanner to track a Type I system, you mustselect a size code for each of these blocks. When you have assigned a size code to all 8blocks, you have defined the Fleet Map for the system you're tracking. Each size codedetermines the number of Fleets, Subfleets, and IDs each block will have. For example, asize code of "4" has one Fleet, which is divided into 16 separate Subfleets, and it has a totalof 512 individual IDs.When a block is assigned a size code, the Fleet or Fleets created within the block areassigned a Type I ID. The way these IDs display on your scanner depends on the blocknumber and the blocks size code. When a Type I ID displays, the left most digit representsthe block which contains the ID. The next two or three digits identify which Fleet is active,and the last digit(s) identifies the Subfleet.The details concerning how the size codes are selected by a Type I system designer arehighly dependent on the specific needs of the systems users. Some organizations may wantmany subfleets with only a few radios each, while another organization may want only a fewsubfleets with many radios each. Your task is to program your fleet map with the same sizecode assignments as the trunked system. If you do this accurately, you'll track all the Fleet-Subfleet combinations used by the system. In other words, you'll hear completecommunications while monitoring a trunked system.If you don't already know the size codes used, you'll have to guess at them. But since youdon't have to figure out all the blocks at once, this isn't as hard as it seems. Select a sizecode for a block, and then press SCAN. Now listen to the communications. If you decide youare receiving most of the replies to the conversations with IDs assigned to the block you justprogrammed, then you've probably selected the right size code and can work on the nextblock of the map.Finally, for most public safety systems there are some size codes which are more common.SIZE CODE 3 and SIZE CODE 4 are probably the most common, followed by SIZE CODE10, SIZE CODE 11, and SIZE CODE 12.66Block(1 digit) Subfleet(1 or 2 digits)Which Fleetwithin the Block(2 or 3 digits)