Operation25UNIDEN UH8080S UHF CB TransceiverNOTEOS Mode is indicated by the absence of the GS icon.NOTEIf SCAN is deactivated while on an active channel, the UH8080S willstay on that active channel. If no channels are active, the UH8080S willreinstate the starting channel.Group Scan (GS) ModeGS Mode has CH09 to CH20 in the SCAN Memory by default. Channels must be storedto the GS SCAN Memory before group scan can start.To add/remove channels from GSSCAN Memory, refer to p.22.Includes the accessory feature Priority Watch which allows you to monitor the InstantPriority Channel while scanning (see p.18 for setting Instant Priority Channeland p.26 to turn on Priority Watch).GS Scanning checks the Instant Priority Channel for activity regularly when PriorityWatch is ON.If the Priority Channel becomes active the radio will stay on that channel for as long asthe signal is present. If the received signal ceases, Priority Scanning continues after 3seconds.If scanning stops on a channel which is not a Priority Channel, UHF CB Radio willcontinue monitoring the Priority Channel for activity while listening to the active one.To select GS Scan Mode:1. Press [MENU] three times.The SCAN setting flashes.2. Press / to change the setting to GS.3. Press and hold [MENU] to save & exit from the menu mode.NOTEIf a button is not pressed within 10 seconds the UHF CB Radio willautomatically exit the Menu Mode.