Feature HighlightsTrunk Tracking – Follow 800 MHz trunked publicsafety and public service systems just as ifconventional two-way communications were used.300 Channels – Program one frequency into eachchannel. You must have at least one channelprogrammed to use the Scan mode.12 Bands, 10 Banks – Includes 12 bands, withAircraft and 800 MHz. 10 banks with 30 channelseach are useful for storing similar frequencies tomaintain faster scanning cycles or storing all thefrequencies of a trunked system.29 MHz-956 MHz – Indicates the range offrequencies that can be searched within the bandsof your scanner.Note: The frequency coverage is not continuousand excludes the cellular band.10 Priority Channels – You can assign onepriority channel in each bank. Assigning a prioritychannel allows you to keep track of activity on yourmost important channel(s) while monitoring otherchannels for transmissions.Preprogrammed Service (SVC) Search – Allowsyou to toggle through preprogrammed police,fire/emergency, aircraft, marine, and weatherfrequencies.Unique Data Skip – Allows your scanner to skipunwanted data transmissions and reduces birdies.Memory Backup – If the battery completelydischarges or if power is disconnected, thefrequencies programmed in your scanner areretained in memory.Manual Channel Access – Go directly to anychannel.LCD Back Light – An LCD light remains on for 15seconds when K is pressed.Battery Save – In manual mode, your scannerautomatically reduces its power requirements toextend the battery’s charge.7