TIMING THE HOOKSTh e correct position of the hooks on their shafts is of great i mportan ce.The timing between the hook opener finger and the hook is governed by th eposition of the hook time screw on the hook shaft flat. If the wrong hook scr e wis placed on the flat, the hook opening finger wi ll be out of time with the hook .Fig. 12The time screw intended for the flat on the shaft is th efirst one visible as the hook is turned in operatingdirection .Fig. 12 illustrates the stitch regulato r . For timingthe hooks, it is recommended the regulator be turnedto produce shortest stitch length. To do this, turn thelockscrew (A) counterclockwise to loosen. Turn thestitch regulator (B) also counterclockwise as far aspossible. Lock in position by turning lockscrew (A)clockwise.Loosen the two screws on each of the hook shaftpinion gears (E, Fig. 6) so the hooks will turn freelywith the hook shaft without turning the drivin g gears.Visually che ck position of the needles. Make sure their spots face theirrespective hooks. Now, turn handwhee l in operating direction to obtain amaximum "down" position of the needle bar. When this has been reached,continue to turn until lower timing line (of the pair selected) (B, Fi g. 7) isflush with the bottom of the lower needle bar bushing. At this time, the hookpoint should be approximately 1/32 inch above needle eye.The needle and the hook point should be approximately . 003 in ch a part(F i g. 13) while the needle guard is just brushin g the ne edle (A) as the hookpoint is rotated back and forth across the needl e . The hook n e edl e g ua r d maybe bent slightly to obtain this condition.Adjustment of the hooks, rightFi g . 13or left, is accomplish e d by loo se n in g th esaddle scr e ws (C, F ig. 6), an d mo vi n gthe hoo k sa ddle s a s requ i r ed . (N ot e:Two screw s i n back a r e not sh ow n . )Aft er th e s a dd le is co rre c tl y l oc ate dand the retainin g screws are t i ghten e d,(t i ghte nin g the back screws fi rs t an d theclamp s crew s l a st) the hook shaft drivin gg ear (F, Fig. 6) should b e c e nt ere d on th ehook s haft l ook ing di r e c tl y a t the ge a rfa ce s . Th e align ment of th e dr i vin g g earand th e hook s ha ft i s extrem e ly i mpo r tan tif th e ma ximum g ear l i fe a nd min i mumgea r sound are to be gained .12From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC