IDENTIFICATION OF MACHINESEach Union Special machine is identified by a Style number which is stampedinto the name plate.Machines similar in construction are designated by a Class number whichcontains no letters. Letters suffixed to the Class number indicate the individualStandard machine style. Letter "Z", however, is reserved as a suffix to theStandard style identification to specify machine is of Special construction.APPLICATION OF CATALOGThis catalog applies specifically to the Standard style of machine as listedherein. It can also be applied with discretion to some Special machines inthis Class.. References to direction such as right, left, front, back, etc .• aregiven from the operator's position while seated at the machine.IDENTIFYING PARTSWhere construction permits, each Union Special part is stamped with itscatalog number. A part too small for its complete catalog stamping is identifiedby a letter symbol which distinguishes it from another part similar inappearance.Each part nulilber represents the same part regardless of catalog in whichit appears.IMPORTANT! ON ALL ORDERS, PLEASE INCLUDE PART NAME ANDSTYLE OF MACHINE FOR WHICH PART IS ORDERED.TERMSPrices are strictly net cash and are subject to change without notice. Allshipments are forwarded at the buyer's risk f. o. b. shipping point. ParcelPost shipments are insured unless otherwise directed. A charge is made tocover the postage and insurance.NEEDLESEach Union Special needle has both a type number and a size number. Thetype number denotes the kind of a shank, point, length, groove, finish, andother details. The size number, stamped on the needle shank, denotes thelargest diameter of the blade measured in thousandths of an inch midwaybetween the shank and the eye. Collectively, type number and size numberrepresent the complete symbol.Selection of proper r1eedle size should be determined by the size of thethread used. Thread should pass freely through the needle eye in order toproduce a good stitch formation.For best results, use only genuine Union Special needles in the op e rationof this machine. They are packaged under our brand name, ~which is backed by a reputation for producing highest quality needles for morethan three-quarters of a century.4From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC