18 19Should you develop any side effects whileusing Unitron’s tinnitus masker, you shoulddiscontinue use of the device and seek amedical evaluation. Side effects includeheadaches, nausea, dizziness, heartpalpitations or decrease in auditory function(such as decreased tolerance to loudness,speech not as clear or worsening of tinnitus).The volume of Unitron’s tinnitus maskercan be set to a level which could lead topermanent hearing damage when usedfor a prolonged period of time. Should thetinnitus masker be set to such a level inyour hearing aid, your hearing healthcareprofessional will advise you of the maximumamount of time per day you should use thetinnitus masker. The tinnitus masker shouldnever be used at uncomfortable levels.Important informationUnitron’s tinnitus masker generates soundsthat are used as part of your personalizedtinnitus management program to providetemporary relief from tinnitus. It shouldalways be used as prescribed by a hearinghealthcare professional who is familiar withthe diagnosis and treatment of tinnitus.Good health practice requires that a personreporting tinnitus have a medical evaluationby a licensed ear physician before usinga sound generator. The purpose of suchan evaluation is to ensure that medicallytreatable conditions, which may be causingtinnitus, are identified and treated prior tousing a sound generator.Unitron’s tinnitus masker is intended foradults 18 years of age or older who haveboth hearing loss and tinnitus.