4 5WarningsThe intended use of hearing aids is toamplify and transmit sound to the ears andhereby compensate for impaired hearing.The hearing aids (specially programmed foreach hearing loss) must only be used by theintended person. They should not be usedby any other person as they could damagehearing.Hearing aids should only be used asdirected by your physician or hearinghealthcare professional.Hearing aids will not restore normalhearing and will not prevent or improve ahearing impairment resulting from organicconditions.Do not use your hearing aids in explosionhazard areas.Allergic reactions to hearing aids are unlikely.However, if you experience itching, redness,soreness, inflammation or a burningsensation in or around your ears, informyour hearing healthcare professional andcontact your physician.In the unlikely case that any parts remain inthe ear canal after the removal of the hearingaid, contact a physician immediately.Remove your hearing aids for CT andMRI scans or for other electromagneticprocedures.Special care should be exercised in wearinghearing aids when maximum soundpressure levels exceed 132 decibels. Theremay be a risk of impairing your remaininghearing. Speak with your hearing healthcareprofessional to ensure the maximum outputof your hearing aids is suitable for yourparticular hearing loss.Battery warningsNever leave hearing aids or batteries wheresmall children and pets can reach them.Never put hearing aids or batteries inyour mouth. If a hearing aid or battery isswallowed, call a physician immediately.