6 7PrecautionsThe use of hearing aids is only part ofhearing rehabilitation; auditory training andlip reading instruction may be required aswell.In most cases, infrequent use of hearingaids does not provide full benefit. Once youhave become accustomed to your hearingaids, wear your hearing aids everyday allday.Your hearing aids use the most moderncomponents to provide the best possiblesound quality in every listening situation.However, communication devices such asdigital cell phones can create interference(a buzzing sound) in hearing aids. If youexperience interference from a cell phonebeing used close by, you can minimize thisinterference in a number of ways. Switchyour hearing aids to another program, turnyour head in a different direction or locatethe cell phone and move away from it.This hearing aid is not designed to be usedfor children under 36 months. The hearingaid contains small parts that can causechoking if swallowed by children. Keepout of reach of pets, children and mentallychallenged people. If swallowed, consult aphysician or hospital immediately.External devices may only be connected ifthey have been tested in accordance withcorresponding IECXXXXX standards. Onlyuse accessories approved by Phonak AG, toavoid any electrical shock.Note to hearing healthcare professionalDomes should never be fitted on patientswith perforated eardrums, exposed middleear cavities, or surgically altered earcanals. In the case of such a condition, werecommend to use a customized ear mold.LabelingThe serial number and year of manufacture arelocated inside the battery door.