24 2511. Initial pairingInitial pairing to a Bluetooth® enabled deviceIt is only necessary to perform the pairingprocedure once with each device featuringBluetooth® wireless technology. After theinitial pairing, your hearing aid will connectautomatically to the device. Initial pairingcan take up to 2 minutes.1. On your device (e.g. a phone), ensure thatBluetooth® wireless technology is enabledand search for Bluetooth® enabled devicesin the connectivity setting menu.2. Switch on both your hearing aids. You nowhave 3 minutes to pair your hearing aidswith your device.3. Your device shows a list of Bluetooth®enabled devices.Select the hearing aid fromthe list to simultaneously pair both hearingaids. A beep confirms successful pairing.12. Connecting the deviceAfter being paired to your device, your hearingaid will automatically connect again whenswitched on.The connection will be maintained as longas the device remains ON and within rangeYour hearing aid can be connected to upto two devices and paired to up to eightdevices.