14volume control, your hearing instruments will beep.Please refer to the chart below to learn more about thedifferent volume beeps.Your hearing healthcare professional can help youidentify your different volume control settings. If youprefer, your hearing healthcare professional can adjustthe pitch and loudness of the volume control beeps orturn them off entirely.Rotary Volume ControlIf the rotary dial has been configured as a volumecontrol, rotate the volume control slowly forwardtowards your nose to increase the volume or slowlybackward away from your nose to decrease the volume.Note that your volume control may be disabled by yourhearing healthcare professional and, therefore, could beinactive.Scroll Volume ControlIf the scroll volume control has been configuredas a volume control, turn the volume controlslowly upward towards the ceiling to increase theVolume Setting BeepIdeal volume level 1 beepMaximum volume level 2 beepsMinimum volume level 2 beeps