29availability of a trial-rental or purchase-option program.Many hearing instrument dispensers now offer programsthat permit you to wear a hearing instrument for aperiod of time for a nominal fee after which you maydecide if you want to purchase the hearing instrument.Federal law restricts the sale of hearing instruments tothose individuals who have obtained a medicalevaluation from a licensed physician. Federal lawpermits a fully informed adult to sign a waiver statementdeclining the medical evaluation for religious or personalbeliefs that preclude consultation with a physician. Theexercise of such a waiver is not in your best healthinterest and its use is strongly discouraged.Children With Hearing LossIn addition to seeing a physician for a medicalevaluation, a child with a hearing loss should be directedto an audiologist for evaluation and rehabilitation sincehearing loss may cause problems in languagedevelopment and the educational and social growth of achild. An audiologist is qualified by training andexperience to assist in the evaluation and rehabilitationof a child with a hearing loss.