Bluetooth pairing(linking of mobile phone with CIX 3000 Blue)When using the CIX 3000 Blue hands-free terminal, the mobile phone must be regis-tered with the CIX 3000 Blue. This procedure need only be carried out once for eachphone.If there is no system-linked mobile phone within range, the “Bluetooth” option willautomatically appear in the Start menu of the navigation system. Please make surethat the Bluetooth feature of your mobile phone is activated (for more informationsee the operating instructions for your mobile phone).To link a mobile phone to the CIX 3000 Blue, please proceed as follows: Select “Bluetooth” in the Start menu.: The screen displays the “Start pairing?” prompt. Select “Yes”, and press the OK button.: The screen will display the message “Pairing started”. Now also start the search for Bluetooth devices on your phone (this function dependson the manufacturer).: The navigation system will now need some time to register the mobile phone.: After detecting the CIX 3000 Blue, the mobile phone demands a PIN to carry out thelink. Please enter “1234”.: If the process has been successful, the device name of your mobile phone will appearon the screen. Confirm by pressing OK.: The “Telephone” option appears in the Start menu.Appendix 51