Quick setup vacon • 4824-hour support +358 (0)40 837 1150 • Email: vacon@vacon.com88. QUICK SETUPFollowing these instructions, you can easily and fast set up your Modbus for use:1Choose control place.A. Press LOC/REM button on keypad to select Remote Control PlaceB. Select Fieldbus as remote control place: Main Menu > Quick Setup (M1) >Rem. Ctrl. Place (P1.15) > FieldbusCTRL2Make these settings in the master softwareA. Set Control Word to '0' by writing the data 0000h to the register 2001d .B. Set Control Word to '1' by writing the data 0001h to the register 2001d .C. Frequency converter status is RUND. Set Speed Reference value to '5000' (=50.00%) by writing the data 1388h to theregister 2003 d .E. Actual speed is 5000 (25.00 Hz if MinFreq is 0.00 Hz and MaxFreq is 50.00 Hz)F. Set Control Word to '0' by writing the data 0000h to the register 2001d .G. Frequency converter status is STOP.