Page 2 (14) VaconVacon Plc Phone: +358-201-2121 Fax: +358-201-212 205Service: +358-40-8371 150 E-mail:vacon@vacon.comhttp://www.vacon.comBrake choppers and resistorsTABLE OF CONTENTS1 GENERAL1.1 Requirement for braking 21.2 Brake components 21.3 Brake classifications 32 TECHNICAL DATA 32.1 Standard resistors for partial use 32.2 Power rating of standard resistors 42.3 Environment 42.4 Dimensioning of brake resistors 43 CHOICE OF BRAKE RESISTOR 53.1 General 53.2 Sizing principle 53.3 Choice of standard resistor 64 CONNECTIONS 94.1 General 94.2 Thermal protection 94.3 Resistor package connections 105 DIMENSIONS 11