8 Operating and display functions168.9 Buffer cylinder8.9.1 Reading the top cylinder temperature in thebuffer cylinderMenu → Installer level → System configuration [Buffercylinder ----] → Cyl. temp.: Top– You can use this function to read the current temperaturein the upper section of the buffer cylinder.8.9.2 Reading the bottom cylinder temperature inthe buffer cylinderMenu → Installer level → System configuration [Buffercylinder ----] → Cyl. temp.: Bottom– You can use this function to read the current temperaturein the lower section of the buffer cylinder.8.9.3 Reading the top cylinder temperature forhot water in the buffer cylinderMenu → Installer level → System configuration [Buffercylinder ----] → DHW temp. sensor,top– You can use this function to read the current temperat-ure in the upper section of the buffer cylinder's hot watercomponent.8.9.4 Reading the bottom cylinder temperaturefor hot water in the buffer cylinderMenu → Installer level → System configuration [Buffercylinder ----] → DHW tmp. sensor, bot.– You can use this function to read the current temperat-ure in the lower section of the buffer cylinder's hot watercomponent.8.9.5 Reading the top cylinder temperature forheating in the buffer cylinderMenu → Installer level → System configuration [Buffercylinder ----] → Heat. temp. sens., top– You can use this function to read the current temperaturein the upper section of the buffer cylinder's heating com-ponent.8.9.6 Reading the bottom cylinder temperaturefor heating in the buffer cylinderMenu → Installer level → System configuration [Buffercylinder ----] → Heat. temp. sens., bot.– You can use this function to read the current temperaturein the lower section of the buffer cylinder's heating com-ponent.8.9.7 Setting the max. target flow temperature inthe buffer cylinderMenu → Installer level → System configuration [Buffercylinder ----] → Max.DHW fl.targ.temp.– You can use this function to set the buffer cylinder's max-imum target flow temperature for the domestic hot wa-ter unit. The max. target flow temperature that is to beset must be lower than the max. flow temperature for theheat generator. While the cylinder's set target temperat-ure is not reached, the controller does not allow the heatgenerator to go into heating mode.You can find the maximum target flow temperature that theheat generator can achieve in the installation instructions forthe heat generator.If the max. target flow temperature that is set is too low, thedomestic hot water unit cannot provide the required hot wa-ter temperature for the cylinder.8.10 Solar circuit8.10.1 Reading the collector temperatureMenu → Installer level → System configuration → [Solarcircuit ----] → Collector temp.– You can use this function to read the current temperatureon the collector temperature sensor.8.10.2 Reading the status of the solar pumpMenu → Installer level → System configuration → [Solarcircuit ----] → Solar pump status– You can use this function to read the current status of thesolar pump (On, Off).8.10.3 Reading the running time of the solar pumpMenu → Installer level → System configuration → [Solarcircuit ----] → Solar pump runtime– This function allows you to read the measured operatinghours of the solar pump since start-up or since the lastreset.8.10.4 Resetting the solar pump running timeMenu → Installer level → System configuration → [Solarcircuit ----] → Reset runtime– You can use this function to reset the total operatinghours of the solar pump to zero.8.10.5 Reading the value of the solar yield sensorMenu → Installer level → System configuration → [Solarcircuit ----] → Solar yield sensor– You can use this function to read the current value for thesolar yield sensor.8.10.6 Setting the flow rate of the solar circuitMenu → Installer level → System configuration → [Solarcircuit ----] → Solar flow volume– In this function, enter the value for the volume flow. Thisvalue is used to calculate the solar yield.If a VMS 70 is installed in the system, VMS 70 supplies thevalue for the volume flow. The controller ignores the valuethat is entered in this function.8.10.7 Activating the solar pump boostMenu → Installer level → System configuration → [Solarcircuit ----] → Solar pump boost– This function allows you to activate a pump kick for thesolar pump, in order to speed up the temperature record-ing of the collector temperature.Depending on the design, there is a time delay in some col-lectors during calculation of the measured value for temper-ature recording. With the Solar pump boost function, youcan reduce the time delay. When this function is activated,Installation instructionsVRC 700/2 0020200781_01