1.4.5 Risk of structural damages byescaping waterIncorrect installation can cause leakages.► Make sure there are no stresses in thehydraulic lines.► Correctly position the seals.1.5 Intended useThe product is a state-of-the-art productwhich has been constructed in accordancewith recognised safety regulations.Nevertheless, there is still a risk of injury ordeath to the user or others or of damage tothe product and other property in the eventof improper use or use for which it is notintended.The appliance is intended to be used forbooster heating in systems used with a heatpump.Intended use includes the following:- observing the included operating,installation and maintenance instructionsfor this product and any other parts andcomponents of the system- installing and fitting the product inaccordance with the product and systemapproval- complying with all of the inspection andmaintenance conditions listed in theinstructions.The appliance should be installed in a placewhere it will not be exposed to damp orwater splashes. Comply with the electricalprotection index (IP) shown in the technicaldata.Any other use than the use described in theinstructions at hand or any use extending thedescribed use is not intended.Any direct commercial or industrial use isalso deemed to be improper.1.6 Rules and regulations1.6.5.1 IMPORTANTWhere no British Standards exists, materialsand equipment should be fit for their purposeand of suitable quality and workmanship.The installation of this heating appliancemust be carried out by a competent personapproved at the time by the Health andSafety Executive and in accordance with therules in force in the countries of destination.Manufacturer’s instructions must not betaken as overriding statutory requirements. Statutory RequirementsIn GB, the installation of the heatingappliance must be carried out by acompetent person approved at the time bythe Health and Safety Executive and asdescribed in the following regulations:- The manufacturer’s instructions supplied.- The appropriate Buildings Regulationseither The Building Regulations, The BuildingRegulations (Scotland), The BuildingRegulations (Northern Ireland).- The Water Supply (water fittings)Regulations 1999 and water byelaws 2000,Scotland.- The Health and Safety at Work Act,Control of Substances Hazardous to Health(COSHH).- Any electrical work must conform to BS7671 and where applicable Part P of thebuilding regulations.Where no specific instructions are given,reference should be made to the relevantBritish Standard Code of Practice.In IE, the installation must be carried out bya competent person approved at the time bythe Health and Safety Executive and installedin accordance with the current edition ofI.S.813 “Domestic Gas Installations”, thecurrent Building Regulations and referenceshould be made to the current ETCI rules forElectrical Installation.GB: the following Codes of Practice apply:BS4814, BS6798, BS5440 Part 1 and 2,BS5546 Part 1, BS5449, BS6891, BS6700,4SAFETYInstallation instructions and instructions for use VWZ MEH 61 0020166663_03