19Installation and maintenance instructions ecoTEC 0020029173_015.6 Expansion relief valve (safety group), heatinginstallation1234Fig. 5.11 Fitting the safety valveThe ecoTEC is equipped ex factory with connections fora safety group:• Pressure gauge (1)• Filling device (combined filling and emptying valve)(2)• Connection for expansion vessel (3)• Expansion relief valve (4)As an accessory the expansion relief valve for theheating installation is delivered with the boiler.• Install the expansion relief valve (4).• Fit a sufficiently sized expansion vessel (to beprovided on site) at the designated connection (3).H Danger!Danger of burning and scalding!The expansion relief valve (4) must benoticeable! Terminate the line in such a waythat escaping water or steam cannot causeinjury to persons.Please note that the end of the line must bevisible.a Caution!Risk of damage!The line should be terminated in such a waythat cables or other electrical componentscannot be damaged.5.7 Condensate drain pipework16dc54a323bFig. 5.12 Condensate drain pipeworkLegend:a Internal stackpipeb Internal discharge systemc Gullyd SoakawayThe ecoTEC boilers are equipped with a usualcondensate collector from which the condensate iscontinuously removed via the drain pipe.• Connect the condensate drain of the boiler to acondensate drain hose (1) which has a minimuminternal diameter of 19 mm (22 mm outside diameterfor all external pipes) and should be made from anacid-resistant material (e.g. plastic overflow pipe).h Note!The drain hose connected to the condensatedrain of the boiler must have a fall throughoutits entire length (45 mm per metre) and shouldbe installed and connected within the buildingto prevent freezing.The condensate drain hose must terminate in a suitablelocation, e.g.:a)Preferably the drain hose should run and terminateinternally to the house soil and vent stack (at least450 mm above the invert of the stack). A siphongiving a water seal of at least 75 mm (3) (built intothe boiler) should be incorporated into the pipe run,and there must be an air break (2) in the drain hoseupstream of the siphon. The connection to the stackshould not be made in a way that could cause crossflow into any other branch pipe, or from that branchpipe into the condensate drainpipe. This can beachieved by maintaining an offset between branchpipes of at least 110 mm on a 100 mm diameter stackand 250 mm on a 150 mm diameter stack.Installation 5