Instructions for installation and servicing ecoTEC plus 0020020828_07285.1.2 Gas pressure statement - Natural gasa Natural gas:Do not proceed with the adjustment or attemptto put the unit into service if the inlet workingpressure lies outside the range shown intable 5.1The nominal operating pressure at the gas meter outletshould be between 19 and 23 mbar. The gas valve withinthe appliance is factory set for Natural Gas G20 andshould need no adjustment. The appliance is designed tooperate with an inlet pressure to the appliance of20 mbar when the appliance is operating at the maxi-mum heat input. The inlet working pressure to the appli-ance is measured at the appliance multi-functional gasvalve on the valves inlet pressure test point, see fig. 5.3.Due to internal appliance pressure losses the reading atthe inlet of the appliance gas valve may be lower thanthe design pressure of 20 mbar.The acceptable pressure measured at the appliance gasvalve inlet is:Natural Gas(G20)Meter outlet pressure Minimum pressureat gas valve inletecoTEC plus415/418/428MaximumDesign (nominal)Minimum23 mbar21 mbar19 mbar20 mbar18 mbar16 mbarecoTEC plus438MaximumDesign (nominal)Minimum23 mbar21 mbar19 mbar19.5 mbar17.5 mbar15.0 mbarTable 5.1 Acceptable pressure measured at the appliance gasvalve inleth Note!In all instances the gas rate to the applianceshall be measured.a Caution!Should the pressure recorded at the gas meternot be between 19 mbar and 23 mbar then theEmergency Service Provider should be contact-ed.a Caution!Should the pressure at the gas meter be cor-rect but lower pressure at the gas valve thanindicated in the above table, it may indicateblockage in the internal pipework or that thepipework is undersized. Rectification work mustbe undertaken before the appliance is commis-sioned.5.1.3 Initial LightingThe combustion for this appliance has been checked,adjusted and preset at the factory for operation on nat-ural gas (G20) as defined on the appliance data label.Do not adjust the Gas/Air ratio valve. No measurementof the combustion is necessary, having checked:– the appliance has been installed in accordance withthe instructions.– the integrity of the flue system and flue seals.– the integrity of the appliance combustion circuit andrelevant seals.– the gas service isolation valve, diagram 10.1, is open.The lighting procedure of the boiler is fully automated.• To prepare the boiler for initial lighting first ensurethat all external controls are calling for heat.• For access open the front flap by pulling at the centreof the case strip.• Turn on the power to the appliance whilst holding the+ button - keep held until the P0 appears.• release and press the + button until P1 is displayed onthe screen.• With ALL other gas appliances operational.• Press the I button to commence operation at FULLgas rate to carry out the gas pressure test.• Ensure that the heat generated can be dissipated intothe heating system.• Measure the gas pressure at the test point.• When completed turn off all gas appliances and re-move the pressure gauge, ensure all gas test pointsare safely tightened.• Repeat procedure - starting the boiler in P1 mode. Thistime checking the appliance gas rate at the gasmeter.• Ensure the test results are in line with tables 5.1 and5.2• Once completed press I and +The appliance operating status appears on the screensee Fig 5.4 (2).2413Fig. 5.4 Switching on the applianceh Note!Allow the boiler to run on minimum until com-missioning is complete.5 Commissioning (Part I)