Safety 10020244995_02 ecoTEC pro Installation and maintenance instructions 7– BS 8558 Guide to the design, installation,testing and maintenance of services sup-plying water for domestic use within build-ings and their curtilages.– BS 6880 Code of practice for low temper-ature heating systems with outputs above45 kW, Part 1, 2, and 3.– BS 6891 Installation of low pressure gaspipe work of up to 35mm in domesticpremises.– BS 4814 Specification for: Expansionvessels using an internal diaphragm, forsealed hot water and heating systems.– BS 7074 Application, selection and install-ation of expansion vessels and ancillaryequipment for sealed water systems., Part1 and 2.– BS 7593 Code of practice for treatment ofwater in domestic hot water central heatingsystems.– BS 12831 Heating systems in buildings.Method for calculating design heat load.– BS EN 13831 Closed expansion vesselswith built in diaphragm.– EN 14336 Heating systems in buildings.Installation and commissioning of waterbased heating systems.– BS 5440 – 1 Installation of flues and vent-ilation for gas appliances of rated input notexceeding 70kW*– BS 5440 – 2 Flueing and ventilation for gasappliances of rated input not exceeding70kW** 1st 2nd and 3rd family gases.– BS 5449 Forced circulation hot water sys-tems up to 45kW.– BS EN 6798 Installation & maintenance ofgas fired hot water boilers of rated inputnot exceeding 70kW net.– BS 5482 - Part 1 Domestic butane andpropane gas burning installationsInstitute of Gas Engineers Publications:– IGE/UP/1B (Edition 2) Tightness testingand direct purging of small natural gasinstallations.– IGE/UP/ 7 (Edition 2) Gas in timber andlight steel framed buildings.Additionally for gas boilers systems with out-puts greater than 70KW.– BS 6644 Installation of gas boilersbetween 60 kW and 2 MW (2nd and 3rdfamily gases)– BS 5449– IGE/UP/1 (Edition 2) Strength testing,tightness testing and direct purging of in-dustrial and commercial gas installations.– IGE/UP/1A (Edition 2) Strength testing,tightness testing and direct purging ofsmall, low pressure industrial and com-mercial natural gas installations.– IGE/UP/10 Installation of gas appliancesin industrial and commercial premises.Part 1 Flued appliances.– The installation must comply with the cur-rent version of the Clean Air Act.1.5 Related documents– I.S. 813 Domestic Gas Installations– I.S. 820 Non Domestic Gas Installations– Building Control Act 2007– ETCI Regulations for installing electricalsystems