Start-up 70020253094_01 ecoTEC sustain Installation and maintenance instructions 21any blockage in the pipework or if the pipework is un-dersized.Conditions: Gas flow pressure not in the permissible rangeCaution.Risk of material damage and operatingfaults caused by incorrect gas connec-tion pressure.If the gas connection pressure lies outsidethe permissible range, this can cause oper-ating faults in and damage to the product.▶ Do not make any adjustments to theproduct.▶ Do not start up the product.▶ If you cannot correct the failure, notify the gas supplycompany and proceed as follows:▶ End the check programme P.01 or P.04.▶ Allow the boiler to cool down by allowing pump overrunto operate for a minimum of two minutes.▶ Close the gas isolator cock.▶ Remove the pressure gauge and retighten the sealingscrew (2) for the measuring nipple.▶ Open the gas isolator cock (1).▶ Check the measuring nipple for gas tightness.▶ Close the gas isolator cock (1).▶ Disconnect the product from the power mains.▶ You must not start up the boiler.Conditions: Gas flow pressure in the permissible range▶ End the check programme P.01 or P.04.▶ Allow the boiler to cool down allowing pump overrun tooperate for a minimum of two minutes.▶ Close the gas isolator cock (1).▶ Remove the pressure gauge and retighten the sealingscrew (2) for the measuring nipple.▶ Open the gas isolator cock (1).▶ Check the measuring nipple for gas tightness.▶ Reset boiler controls for normal operation.▶ Record the appliance gas inlet working pressure (kParesp. mbar) in the Benchmark gas boiler commissioningchecklist.7.10.3 Checking the leak-tightness of the flue gasinstallation and flue gas recirculation1. Check the flue gas installation is intact in accordancewith the latest gas safe technical bulletin and informa-tion supplied in the installation instructions.2. For extended flue gas installations check for flue gasrecirculation using the air analysis point.3. Use a flue gas analyser.4. If you discover CO or CO2 in the supply air, search forthe leak in the flue gas installation or for signs of fluegas recirculation.5. Eliminate the damage properly.6. Check again whether the supply air contains any CO orCO2.7. If you cannot eliminate the damage, do not start up theproduct.7.10.4 Thoroughly flushing the heating installation("hot")1. Operate the appliance until the boiler and the heatingsystem are up to temperature.2. Check the heating system for leaks.3. Connect a hose to the drain valve located at the lowestposition of the heating system.4. Shut off the boiler, open the drain valve and all purgevalves on the radiators and allow the water to flow outof the heating system and the boiler quickly and fully.5. Close the drain valve.6. Re-fill the system until the system design pressure of0,1 MPa (1,0 bar) is attained.NoteThe actual reading on the digital pressuregauge should ideally be 0,05 MPa (0,5 bar)plus an additional pressure correspondingto the highest point of the system above thebase of the boiler – 10 m head equals an ad-ditional 1 bar reading on the pressure gauge.The minimum pressure should not be lessthan 0,1 MPa (1 bar) in any installation. Ifthe system is to be treated with an inhibitor itshould be applied at this stage in accordancewith the manufacturer’s instructions. Furtherinformation can be obtained from Sentinel,Betz Dearborn Ltd., Tel: 0151 420 9595, orFernox, Alpha– Fry technologies. Tel: 08708700362.7. Fit the front panel.7.10.5 Checking the CO₂ content1. Start up the product with the check programme and setthe value.– Setting value for the programme P.01: 100Check programmes – Overview (→ Page 34)2. Wait until the value that is read is stable.– Waiting period for reading a stable value: 5 min13. Unscrew the cover from the flue gas analysis point (1).4. Measure the CO₂ content at the flue gas analysis point.5. Compare the measured value with the correspondingvalue in the table.