Appendix0020253094_01 ecoTEC sustain Installation and maintenance instructions 35Dia-gnosticscodeParameterValuesUnit Increment, select, explanation Default set-ting Own settingMin. Max.d.09 Heating flow set targettemperature that is seton the eBUS room ther-mostatCurrent value ℃ – – Notadjustabled.10 Status of the internalpump in the heating cir-cuitCurrent value – off / on – Notadjustabled.11 Status of the heatingcircuit's shunt pumpCurrent value – Applies to: Installed heating cir-cuit shunt pump (optional)off / on– Notadjustabled.13 Status of the hot watercircuit's circulation pumpCurrent value – Applies to: Installed hot watercircuit circulation pump (optional)off / on– Notadjustabled.14 Operating mode of themodulating pump0 5 – 0 = Speed-regulated (automaticpump operation in levels 1 to 5)1 = PWM = 65 %2 = PWM = 73 %3 = PWM = 80 %4 = PWM = 88 %5 = PWM = 95 %1; 2; 3; 4; 5 = Fixed rotationalspeeds → Section "Setting thepump output"0 Adjustabled.15 Pump speed Current value % – – Notadjustabled.16 Status of the 24 V roomthermostatCurrent value – off = Heating offon = Heating activated or eBUScontroller used– Notadjustabled.17 Heating control – – – off = Flow temperatureon = Return temperature (ad-justment for underfloor heating.If you have activated the returntemperature control, the auto-matic heating output determina-tion function is not active.)0 Adjustabled.18 Pump overrun operatingmode1 3 – 1 = Comfort (continuously operat-ing pump)3 = Eco (pump runs intermit-tently)3 Adjustabled.20 Maximum hot water settarget temperature50 60 ℃ 1 60 Adjustabled.21 Status of the warm startfor hot waterCurrent value – off = Function deactivatedon = Function activated andavailable– Notadjustabled.22 Status of the domestichot water demandCurrent value – off = No current requirementon = Current requirement– Notadjustabled.23 Status of the heatingdemandCurrent value – off = Heating off (Summer mode)on = Heating on– Notadjustabled.25 Status of the requirementto reheat the cylinder orfor the hot water warmstart from the eBUS ther-mostatCurrent value – off = Function deactivatedon = Function activated– Notadjustable