Radio 25RDS configurationSet RDS to On or Off.Radio textIf the RDS function is activated and aRDS station is currently received,information about the currentprogramme and the music trackcurrently playing are displayed belowthe programme name.To show or hide the information, setRadio text to On or Off.RegionalisationSometimes RDS stations broadcastregionally different programmes ondifferent frequencies.Set Regional to On or Off.If regionalisation is switched on,alternative frequencies with the sameregional programmes are selectedwhere necessary. If regionalisation isswitched off, alternative frequenciesof the stations are selected withoutregard to regional programmes.PSN scroll freezeSome RDS stations do not onlyindicate the programme service name(PSN) on the display, but also showadditional information about thecurrent programme. If additionalinformation is displayed, theprogramme name is hidden.To prevent additional informationfrom being displayed, set PSN scrollfreeze to On.Digital audio broadcastingDigital audio broadcasting (DAB) isan innovative and universalbroadcasting system.DAB stations are indicated by theprogramme name instead of thebroadcasting frequency.General information■ With DAB, several radioprogrammes (services) can bebroadcasted on a single frequency(ensemble).■ Besides high-quality digital audioservices, DAB is also able totransmit programme-associateddata and a multitude of other dataservices including travel and trafficinformation.■ As long as a given DAB receivercan pick up the signal sent out by abroadcasting station (even if thesignal is very weak), soundreproduction is ensured.■ There is no fading (weakening ofthe sound that is typical of AM orFM reception). The DAB signal isreproduced at a constant volume.If the DAB signal is too weak to bepicked up by the receiver, receptionis interrupted completely. Thisincident can be avoided byactivating Service linking DAB and/or Service linking FM in the DABoption menu (see below).