154 Self-help, vehicle careVehicle careWhen caring for your vehicle, observe allnationa l environmental regulations,particularly when washing it.Regula r, thorough care helps to imp rov ethe a ppearance of your vehicle andmaintain its value ov er the years. It is alsoprerequisite for warranty claim s for anypaint or corrosion dam age. The followingpages conta in tips for vehicle ca re which,if used properly, w ill help comb at theunavoidable damag ing effects of theenv ironment.WashingThe paintwork of your v ehicle is exposed toenv ironmenta l influences. Wash a nd waxyour vehicle regularly. When usingautomatic c ar washes, select a programm ethat includes wax ing.Bird droppings, dead insects, resin, pollenand the like should be cleaned offimmediately , as they contain aggressiveconstituents which can cause paintdam age.When using a car wa sh, follow the car-wash manufacturer’s instructions. Switchoff the windscreen wiper 3. Unscrew theantenna 3 and rem ove the roof rack 3 .If y ou w ash y our v ehicle by hand, makesure that the insides of the wing s a re alsothoroughly rinsed out.Clean edges and folds on opened doorsand flaps as well as the areas they cover.Thoroughly rinse off and leather-off thevehicle. Rinse leather frequently . Useseparate leathers for paint and w indowsurfaces: remnants of wax on the wind ow swill impair vision.Pol ishi ng and w axingWax the v ehicle regularly (at the latestwhen water no longer beads). Otherwise,the paintwork will d ry out.Polishing is necessa ry only if the paint hasbecome dull or if solid deposits havebecome attached to it.Pa intwork polish with silic one form s aprotective film , ma king waxingunnec essary .Plastic body parts should not be treatedwith wax a nd polish.Wheels and tyresDo not use high-pressure jet clea ners.Clea n wheels with a pH-neutral wheelcleaner.Wheels are painted a nd can be treatedwith the same agents as the b ody.Pa intwork dam ageRectify m inor p aintwork damage with atouch-up p en b efore rust forms. Have moreextensive dam age or rust areas repairedby a workshop.Exterior lightsHeadlight and other lig ht lens are ma de ofplastic. Do not use any a brasive or causticagents, do not use an ice sc ra per, and donot clean them d ry .Plastic and rubb er partsPlastic and rubber parts can be cleanedwith the same cleaner a s used to clean thebody . Use interior c leaner if necessary. Donot use any other agent. Avoid solv entsand p etrol in particular. Do not use high-pressure jet clea ners.I nt eri or and upholsteryC lean the vehicle interior, including theinstrument panel fascia, using interiorcleaner.The instrum ent panel is only to be cleanedwith a soft, da mp cloth.C lean the fabric upholstery with a v acuumcleaner and brush. Remove sta ins with anupholstery cleaner.C lean seat belts with lukewa rm water orinterior cleaner.CautionC lose Velcro fasteners as open Velcrofasteners on clothing could damag eseat upholstery.