43Seats, InteriorSafety net 3Passeng ers m ust not be carried behind thesafety net.The safety net ca n be fitted behind the rearseats or, with the rear seat backrest foldeddown, b ehind the front seats.Remove the load c om partment cov er asnecessary 3 42.Unroll the safety net.Fitting behi nd the rear sea tsThere are two installation apertures in theroof fram e ab ov e the rear seats: O pen thecover. Enga ge one sid e of the up per netrod in one side, ex tend the rod and engagein the other side. C lose the cover.Fold d own both rear seat backrests.Hook tensioning straps into lashing eyes infloor and tighten by p ulling on the looseend of the strap.Reposition a nd engage the backrests.Fit ting behind front seat sPull up b oth rear seat c ushions and folddown rear seat backrests.Open the cover of the installationapertures in the roof frame above the frontseats. Engage the net rod in one side,extend the rod and engag e in the otherside. C lose the cover.Hook tensioning straps into brackets infloor and tighten by p ulling on the looseend of the strap.Remov ingS wivel tensioning strap length adjustersupward and unhook straps. O pen thecover. Unhook upper net rod and closecover.Roll the safety net.9 WarningThe brackets m ust not be used aslashing eyes to prev ent objects that arebeing transported from slid ing around3 42.