Vehicle care 253The tyre pressure information labelon the left door frame indicates theoriginal equipment tyres and thecorrespondent tyre pressures.The tyre pressure data refers to coldtyres. It applies to summer and wintertyres.Always inflate the spare tyre to thepressure specified for full load.The ECO tyre pressure serves toachieve the smallest amount of fuelconsumption possible.Incorrect tyre pressures will impairsafety, vehicle handling, comfort andfuel economy and will increase tyrewear.Tyre pressures differ depending onvarious options. For the correct tyrepressure value, follow the procedurebelow:1. Identify drive axle and body style.2. Identify the engine identifier code.Engine data 3 281.3. Identify the respective tyre.The tyre pressure tables show allpossible tyre combinations 3 292.For the tyres approved for yourvehicle, refer to the EEC Certificate ofConformity provided with your vehicleor other national registrationdocuments.The driver is responsible for correctadjustment of tyre pressure.9 WarningIf the pressure is too low, this canresult in considerable tyre warm-up and internal damage, leading totread separation and even to tyreblow-out at high speeds.9 WarningFor specific tyres therecommended tyre pressure asshown in the tyre pressure tablemay exceed the maximum tyrepressure as indicated on the tyre.Never exceed the maximum tyrepressure as indicated on the tyre.If the tyre pressure shall be reducedor increased on a vehicle with tyrepressure monitoring system, switchoff ignition. After adjusting tyrepressure switch on ignition and selectthe according setting on the pageTyre load in the Driver InformationCentre, 3 110.Temperature dependencyThe tyre pressure depends on thetemperature of the tyre. Duringdriving, tyre temperature andpressure increase. Tyre pressurevalues provided on the tyreinformation label and tyre pressurechart are valid for cold tyres, whichmeans at 20 °C.The pressure increases by nearly1.5 psi for a 10 °C temperatureincrease. This must be consideredwhen warm tyres are checked.The tyre pressure value displayed inthe Driver Information Centre showsthe real tyre pressure. A cooled downtyre will show a decreased value,which does not indicate an air leak.