Climate control 119■ Open side air vents as required anddirect them towards door windows.■ For simultaneous warming of thefoot well, set air distribution controlto J.Automatic climate controlsystemControls for:■ Air distribution■ Temperature■ Fan speedn = Cooling4 = Air recirculationV = Demisting and defrostingHeated rear window Ü 3 41.The preselected temperature isautomatically regulated. In theautomatic mode the fan speedautomatically regulates the air flow.Automatic modeBasic setting for maximum comfort:■ Set fan control to A.■ Set the air distribution control to thedesired setting.■ Preset temperature to the desiredlevel.■ Cooling n on.■ Open all of the air vents.Air distributionL = to head area and foot wellM = to head areal = to windscreen and front doorwindowsJ = to windscreen, front doorwindows and foot wellK = to foot wellIntermediate settings are possible.Temperature preselectionSet the temperature control to therequired position. Intermediatesettings are possible.For reasons of comfort, changetemperature only in small increments.At the end positions, there is notemperature regulation. The airconditioning system works withmaximum cooling or heating.Heating will not be fully effective untilengine has reached normal operatingtemperature.Fan speedIn the automatic mode A the fanspeed automatically regulates the airflow. If required the air flow can bemanually adjusted.Cooling nOperated with the n button and isfunctional only when the engine andfan are running.Ofrecido por