Seats, restraints 619 DangerOnly Vauxhall child restraintsystems with transponders shouldbe fitted on the front passengerseats. Use of systems withouttransponders poses a risk of fatalinjury.Control indicator 3 86.NoticeAnyone weighing less than 35 kgshould only travel on the rear seats.Do not place any heavy objects onthe front passenger seat. Otherwisethe seat will register as occupied andthe airbag system for the frontpassenger seat will not bedeactivated.Do not use protective covers or seatcushions on the front passengerseat.Child restraintsChild restraint systemsWhen a child restraint system is beingused, pay attention to the followingusage and installation instructionsand also those supplied with the childrestraint system.Always comply with local or nationalregulations. In some countries, theuse of child restraint systems isforbidden on certain seats.Selecting the right systemChildren should travel facingbackwards in the vehicle, until as oldas possible. It is appropriate tochange the system when the child'shead can no longer be properlysupported at eye height. The child'scervical vertebrae are still very weakand in an accident they suffer lessstress in the semi-prone rearwardposition than when sitting upright.Children under 12 years or under 150cm (5 ft) tall should only travel in anappropriate child restraint system.Never hold a child whilst travelling inthe vehicle. The child will become tooheavy to be held in the event ofa collision.When transporting children, use thechild restraint systems suitable for thechild's weight.Ensure that the child restraint systemto be installed is compatible with thevehicle type.Ensure that the mounting location ofthe child restraint system within thevehicle is correct.Only allow children to enter and exitthe vehicle at the side facing awayfrom the traffic.When the child restraint system is notin use, secure the seat with a seat beltor remove it from the vehicle.NoticeDo not stick anything on the childrestraint systems and do not coverthem with any other materials.A child restraint system which hasbeen subjected to stress in anaccident must be replaced.Ofrecido por