Instruments and controls 91Illuminates when an Autostop isinhibited when certain conditions arenot fulfilled.Ï illuminates or flashes yellow /green.IlluminatesIlluminates green during an Autostop.If Ï illuminates yellow there is a faultin the stop-start system. Seek theassistance of a workshop.FlashesFlashes green during an automaticrestart.Stop-start system 3 122.Exterior light9 illuminates green.Illuminated when the exterior lightsare on 3 97.High beamP illuminates blue.Illuminated when high beam is on andduring headlight flash 3 98.High beam assistí illuminates when the high beamassist is activated 3 98.Fog light> illuminates green.Illuminated when the front fog lightsare on 3 100.Rear fog lightø illuminates yellow.Illuminated when the rear fog light ison 3 101.Cruise controlm, U illuminates green or yellow.m illuminates green when a certainspeed is stored.U illuminates green when the systemis on.Speed limiterU illuminates yellow.U illuminates yellow when thesystem is on.Cruise control, Speed limiter 3 142.Tachograph& illuminates when there is a fault3 96.Door openy illuminates yellow.Illuminates with the ignition switchedon when a door or the loadcompartment is open.Depending on version, controlindicator also illuminates intransmission display, indicatingrelevant open door.