559 Diagnosis, asset management and serviceVEGABAR 82 • Foundation Fieldbus45032-EN-1711207. Insert new O-ring seal for the process fitting8. Install the process pressure transmitter in the welded socket,tighten compression nutThe cleaning is finished.The pressure transmitter is directly ready for operation, a fresh adjust-ment is not required.9.3 Diagnosis memoryThe instrument has several memories available for diagnostic pur-poses. The data remain there even in case of voltage interruption.Up to 100,000 measured values can be stored in the sensor in a ringmemory. Each entry contains date/time as well as the respectivemeasured value.Depending on the instrument version, values that can be stored arefor example:• Level• Process pressure• Differential pressure• Static pressure• Percentage value• Scaled values• Current output• Lin. percent• Measuring cell temperature• Electronics temperatureWhen the instrument is shipped, the measured value memory is ac-tive and stores pressure value and measuring cell temperature every10 s, with electronic differential pressure also the static pressure.The requested values and recording conditions are set via a PC withPACTware/DTM or the control system with EDD. Data are thus readout and also reset.Up to 500 events are automatically stored with a time stamp in thesensor (non-deletable). Each entry contains date/time, event type,event description and value. Event types are for example:• Modification of a parameter• Switch-on and switch-off times• Status messages (according to NE 107)• Error messages (according to NE 107)The data are read out via a PC with PACTware/DTM or the controlsystem with EDD.9.4 Asset Management functionThe instrument features self-monitoring and diagnostics according toNE 107 and VDI/VDE 2650. In addition to the status messages in thefollowing tables, detailed error messages are available under menuMeasured value memoryEvent memory