8111 SupplementVEGAPULS 69 • Foundation Fieldbus47251-EN-180627Function block Output SplitterThe function block "Output Splitter" generates two control outputs out of one input. Each output isa linear image of a part of the input. A retrograde calculation function is realised by using the linearimaging function inversely. A cascading of several Output Splitters is supported by an integrateddecision table for the combinability of inputs and outputs.Fig. 61: Schematic presentation function block Output SplitterFunction block Signal CharacterizerThe function block "Signal Characterizer" has two channels the outputs of which are not in linearrelation with the respective input. The non-linear relation is defined by a look-up table with individu-ally selectable x/y-pairs. The respective input signal is imaged on the corresponding output, hencethis function block can be used in a control loop or signal path. Optionally the function axis can beexchanged in channel 2 so that the block can be also used in a reverse control loop.Fig. 62: Schematic presentation function block Signal CharacterizerFunction block IntegratorThe function block "Integrator" integrates a continuous input signal over the time and sums theresults of an impulse input block. It is used as a totalizer up to a reset or as a subtotalizer up to areference point at which the integrated and accumulated value is compared with the default values.When these default values are reached, digital output signals will be outputted. The integration func-tion is carried out upwardly starting with zero and downwards with a default value. Two flow valuesare also available so that the net flow volume can be calculated and integrated. This can be used forcalculation of volume and mass changes in the vessel or for optimisation of flow controls.