9.3 Error messages according to NE 107The instrument has self-monitoring and diagnosis according to NE 107and VDI/VDE 2650. Status messages are outputted on the devicestatus. Detailed messages are visible under diagnosis via DTM,indicating and adjustment module and EDD. The messages aredivided into the following categories:Failure: Due to a malfunction in the instrument, a failure message isoutputted. This status message is always activated and cannot bedeactivated.Function check: The instrument is in operation, the measured value istemporarily invalid (for example during simulation). This statusmessage is always activated and cannot be deactivated by the user.Out of specification: The measured value is unstable because theinstrument specification is exceeded (e.g. electronics temperature).This status message is always inactive and can be activated via DTMand EDD. The error codes and text messages are dispayed via theindicating and adjustment module as well as DTM and EDD in thecontrol system. Additional information on error statstics is displayed inthe menu Diagnosis under "Device status" in the indicating andadjustment module as well as in the DTM and EDD.Maintenance: Due to external influences, the instrument function islimited. The measurement is affected but the measured value is stillvalid. Plan instrument for maintenance because failure must beexpected in the near future (for example due to buildup). This statusmessage is always inactive and can be activated via DTM and EDD.The error codes are dispayed via the indicating and adjustmentmodule as well as DTM and EDD in the control system. Additionalinformation on error statstics is displayed in the menu Diagnosis under"Device status" in the indicating and adjustment module as well as inthe DTM and EDD.The following table shows the error codes and text messages in thestatus message "Failure" and provides information on causes as wellas corrective measures.CodeText mes-sageCause RemovalF013no measuredvalue availab-lel Sensor does not detect anecho during operationl Antenna system contami-nated or defectivel Check or correct installa-tion and/or parameter ad-justmentl Clean or exchange processcomponent or antennaF017Adjustmentspan too smalll Adjustment not within spe-cificationl Change adjustment accor-ding to the limit values(difference between min.and max. ≥ 10 mm)Failure52 VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART two-wire9 Diagnosis, fault rectification and service38294-EN-110209