DeviceNet ï 113Module CharacteristicsWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750DeviceNet5.4 Module CharacteristicsThe I/O module is defined by vendor ID and device type.Vendor ID 0x28 (40)Device Type 0x0C (12 ), Communication Adapter5.4.1 Communication Model5.4.1.1 Message GroupsCAN messages are divided into several groups in order to achieve differentpriorities.• message group 1 serves to exchange I/O data via I/O messages• message group 2 is reserved for Master/Slave applications• message group 3 serves to exchange configurations data via explicit mes-sages• message group 4 is reserved for system administration (i. e. Offline Con-nection Set)The CAN Identifier (Connection ID) and with it the priority is built via diffe-rent message groups and the MAC ID. Message TypesDeviceNet has 2 types of messages:• I/O Messages and• Explicite Messages5. I/O MessagingI/O messages are sent by a node and can be received by one or several othernodes. Only I/O data is transmitted and no protocol data is specified by thisway. Explicit MessagingExplicit messages are sent directly from one node to another. They consist of arequest and an answer. Therefore services can be requested directly fromanother node. The data field consists of the service identification and the de-stination address. The format of the explicit messages is defined. Via explicitmessages devices can be configured or a dynamic built-up of message con-nections can be made.