36 ï The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750Shielding (screening)WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750DeviceNet2.8 Shielding (screening)2.8.1 GeneralThe shielding of the data and signal conductors reduces the electromagneticinfluences thereby increasing the signal quality. Measurement errors, datatransmission errors and even disturbances caused by overvoltage can thus beavoided.AttentionConstant shielding is absolutely required in order to ensure the technicalspecifications in terms of the measurement accuracy.The data and signal conductors should be laid separately from all high-voltage cables.The cable shield is to be laid over a large-scale surface onto the earth poten-tial. With this, incoming disturbances can be easily diverted.The shielding should be placed over the entrance of the cabinet or housing inorder to already repel disturbances at the entrance.2.8.2 Bus ConductorsThe shielding of the bus conductor is described in the relevant assemblyguideline of the bus system.2.8.3 Signal ConductorsThe bus terminals for analogue signals as well as some interface bus terminalspossess connection terminals for the shield.NoteImproved shielding can be achieved if the shield is previously placed over alarge-scale surface. For this, we recommend the use of the WAGO shieldconnecting system for example.This is particularly recommendable for systems with large-scale expansionswhere it cannot be ruled out that differential currents are flowing or highpulse currents, i. e. activated by atmospheric discharge, may appear.