Ethernet/IP (Ethernet/Industrial Protocol) ï 171Object modelWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750ETHERNET TCP/IP7.3.2.16 Discrete Output Point Extended 1..3 (6A hex, 6E hex, 72 hex)Same as the Discret Input Point (66 hex), however it contains the extendeddigital inputs:6A hex : Digital Output 256 ..5106E hex : Digital Output 511 ..76572 hex : Digital Output 766 ..10207.3.2.17 Analog Input Point Extended 1..3 (6B hex, 6F hex, 73 hex)Same as the Analog Input Point Class (67 hex ), however it contains theextended analog inputs:6B hex : Analog Inputs 256 ..5106F hex : Analog Inputs 511 ..76573 hex : Analog Inputs 766 ..10207.3.2.18 Analog Output Point Extended 1..3 (6C hex, 70 hex, 74 hex)Same as the Analog Input Point Class (68 hex ), however it contains theextended analog outputs:6C hex : Analog Outputs 256 ..51070 hex : Analog Outputs 511 ..76574 hex : Analog Outputs 766 ..10207.3.2.19 Module configuration (80 hex)ClassAttribute ID Access Name Data type Description Defaultvalue1 Get Revision UINT Revision of this object 1 (0x0001)2 Get Max Instance UINT Max. number of instances -Instance 1..255 (0. to 254. Module)Attribute ID Access Name Data type Description Defaultvalue1 Get ModulDescription WORDDescription of the connectedmodules (module 0 = coupler)Bit 0: Module has inputsBit 1: Module has outputsBit 8-14: Internal data width in bitBit 15: 0/1 Analog/digital moduleAt analog modules designate bits0-14 the type of the moduledisplayed (e.g., 461 for the module750-461).-