54 ï Fieldbus Coupler 750-341Process imageWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750ETHERNET TCP/IP750-638The 750-638 counter module has a total of 6 bytes of user data in both theInput and Output Process Image (4 bytes of counter data and 2 bytes ofcontrol/status). The two counter values are supplied as 16 bits. Each counterhas its own control/status byte. The following tables illustrate the Input andOutput Process Image, which has 4 words mapped into each image. Wordalignment is applied.Input Process ImageByte DestinationOffsetHigh Byte Low ByteRemark0 - S0 Status byte of Counter 11 D1 D0 Counter Value of Counter 12 - S1 Status byte of Counter 23 D3 D2 Counter Value of Counter 2Output Process ImageByte DestinationOffsetHigh Byte Low ByteRemark0 - C0 Control byte of Counter 11 D1 D0 Counter Setting Value of Counter 12 - C1 Control byte of Counter 23 D3 D2 Counter Setting Value of Counter 2Pulse width Modules750-511, /000-002The above 750-511 Pulse Width modules have a total of 6 bytes of user data inboth the Input and Output Process Image (4 bytes of channel data and 2 bytesof control/status). The two channel values are supplied as 16 bits. Eachchannel has its own control/status byte. The following table illustrates theInput and Output Process Image, which has 4 words mapped into each image.Word alignment is applied.Input and Output Process ImageByte DestinationOffsetHigh Byte Low ByteRemark0 - C0/S0 Control/Status byte of Channel 11 D1 D0 Data Value of Channel 12 - C1/S1 Control/Status byte of Channel 23 D3 D2 Data Value of Channel 2