72 • Feldbus Coupler 750-344 / -345LED IndicationWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750INTERBUSAfter eliminating the error, restart the coupler by turning the power supply offand on again. Fault Message via Blink Code of the I/O LEDErrorArgumentError description SolutionError Code 1: Hardware and Configuration Error1 Compile buffer overflow. Contact the Service office.2 Unknown data type. Contact the Service office.3 Checksum error for parameter data Contact the Service office.4 Error during writing ofparameter memory.Replace the coupler.5 Error during reading of theparameter memory.Replace the coupler.6 Module modified after an auto-reset cycle.Adapt the node configuration tothe modified physical arrangementof the node.Load the configuration and restartthe coupler by turning the poweroff and on again.7 Error during writing to the serialEEPROM.Replace the coupler.8 Timeout during writing of theparameter memory.Replace the coupler.Error code 2: Internal status monitoring1 Process image not active Contact the Service office.2 Process image too large Contact the Service office.3 Error during generation of theprocess imageContact the Service office.Error code 3: command error internal data bus0 I/O modules have incorrectlyidentified the data bus command.Determine the location at whichthe data bus has been disrupted.Plug the end module into themiddle of the node. Switch off thecoupler and switch it back on. TheI/O LED continues to flash. Movethe end module again. If only onemodule is left on the coupler andthe I/O LED lights up, either thismodule is defective or the coupler.Replace the faulty component.