I/O Modules ï 159Process Data Architecture for MODBUS/TCPWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750Linux Fieldbus Coupler750-634The above Incremental Encoder Interface module has 5 bytes of input data(6 bytes in cycle duration measurement mode) and 3 bytes of output data.The following tables illustrate the Input and Output Process Image, whichhas 4 words mapped into each image. Word alignment is applied.Input Process ImageByte DestinationOffset High Byte Low Byte Remark0 - S not used Status byte1 D1 D0 Counter word2 - (D2)* ) not used (Periodic time)3 D4 D3 Latch word* ) If cycle duration measurement mode is enabled in the control byte, the cycleduration is given as a 24-bit value that is stored in D2 together with D3/D4.Output Process ImageByte DestinationOffset High Byte Low Byte Remark0 - C not used Control byte1 D1 D0 Counter Setting word2 - -3 - - not used750-637The above Incremental Encoder Interface Module has a total of 6 bytes ofuser data in both the Input and Output Process Image (4 bytes of encoderdata and 2 bytes of control/status). The following table illustrates the Inputand Output Process Image, which have 4 words mapped into each image.Word alignment is applied.Input and Output Process ImageByte DestinationOffset High Byte Low Byte Remark0 - C0/S0 Control/Status byte of Channel 11 D1 D0 Data Value of Channel 12 - C1/S1 Control/Status byte of Channel 23 D3 D2 Data Value of Channel 2