I/O Modules • 145Process Data Architecture for MODBUS/TCPWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750ETHERNET TCP/IP750-634The above Incremental Encoder Interface module has 5 bytes of input data (6bytes in cycle duration measurement mode) and 3 bytes of output data. Thefollowing tables illustrate the Input and Output Process Image, which has 4words mapped into each image. Word alignment is applied.Input Process ImageByte DestinationOffset High Byte Low Byte Remark0 - S not used Status byte1 D1 D0 Counter word2 - (D2)* ) not used (Periodic time)3 D4 D3 Latch word* ) If cycle duration measurement mode is enabled in the control byte, the cycleduration is given as a 24-bit value that is stored in D2 together with D3/D4.Output Process ImageByte DestinationOffset High Byte Low Byte Remark0 - C not used Control byte1 D1 D0 Counter Setting word2 - -3 - - not used750-637The above Incremental Encoder Interface Module has a total of 6 bytes of userdata in both the Input and Output Process Image (4 bytes of encoder data and2 bytes of control/status). The following table illustrates the Input and OutputProcess Image, which have 4 words mapped into each image. Word alignmentis applied.Input and Output Process ImageByte DestinationOffset High Byte Low Byte Remark0 - C0/S0 Control/Status byte of Channel 11 D1 D0 Data Value of Channel 12 - C1/S1 Control/Status byte of Channel 23 D3 D2 Data Value of Channel 2