162 • Use in Hazardous EnvironmentsWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750ETHERNET TCP/IP7.5.2 For AmericaAccording to NEC 500Hansastr. 27D-32423 MindenITEM-NO.:750-4002DI 24V DC 3.0ms0.08-2.5mm 20V 24V DI1Di2PATENTS PENDINGII 3 GKEMA 01ATEX1024 XEEx nA II T4CL I DIV 2Grp. A B C Dop temp code T4A24V DCAWG 28-1455°C max ambient2 4 2 4 64 1 0 0 - - 0 2 - - - - 0 3LISTED 22ZA AND 22XMCL I DIV 2Grp. ABCDoptemp code T4AExplosion group(gas group)Explosion protection group(condition of use category)Area of application (zone)Temperature classFig. 7.5.2-1: Example for lateral labeling of bus modules(750-400, 2 channel digital input module 24 V DC) g01xx04e