24 Process Image WAGO I/O-SYSTEM 750753-454 2AI 4-20mA Diff.ManualVersion 1.1.04 Process ImageThe 753-454 I/O module provides 1 status byte (8 bits) and 1 data word (16 bits).Whether the status byte is read out via the fieldbus depends on how diagnosticinformation is transmitted by the respective fieldbus or fieldbuscouplers/controllers used. In any case, the status byte can be read out using theWAGO-I/O-CHECK commissioning tool via the service port of the fieldbuscoupler/controller.The digitalized measured value is transmitted to the process image of the fieldbuscoupler/controller in a data word (16 bits) as an input byte 0 (low) and input byte1 (high). This value is mapped with a resolution of 12 bits on bit B3 ... B14. Statusinformation, which can be evaluated for fault detection, is contained in the 3 leastsignificant bits (B0 ... B2).If the measurement is above the measuring range, bit B0 is set = 1, and if themeasurement is below the measuring range or if a wire breaks, bits B0 and B1 areset = 1.Mapping of process data in the process image of fieldbus systemsThe representation of the I/O modules’ process data in the process image dependson the fieldbus coupler/controller used. Please take this information as well as theparticular design of the respective control/status bytes from the section “FieldbusSpecific Design of the Process Data” included in the description concerning theprocess image of the fieldbus coupler/controller used.For the I/O module 753-454 the input current ranging from 4 mA to 20 mA isscaled on the numerical values ranging from 0x0000 bis 0x7FF8.