14 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750750-630 SSI Transmitter InterfaceManualVersion 1.2.0, valid from FW/HW-Version 3A/05Pos: 19 /Alle Serien (Allgemeine Module)/Überschriften für alle Serien/Gerätebeschreibung/Gerätebeschreibung - Überschrift 1 @ 3\mod_1233756084656_21.docx @ 27096 @ 1 @ 13 Device DescriptionPos: 20.1.1 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Einleitung/Anwendung/SO/Anwendung 750-0630 @ 9\mod_1290755613293_21.docx @ 66880 @ @ 1The I/O module functions as an SSI interface and outputs a pulse signal to readthe sensor.The I/O module reads the incoming data and transmits it directly in the form of adata word in the process image.It is possible to set different operating modes, transfer frequencies and data widthsby means of the control register (see Variant List).Pos: 20.1.2 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Einleitung/I/O-Beschreibung/SO/I/O-Beschreibung 750-0630 @ 9\mod_1290755754387_21.docx @ 66883 @ @ 1The SSI absolute encoder can be connected to the CAGE CLAMP® terminals +D,−D, +CL and −CL directly.The power supply for the encoder can be tapped from the I/O module directly.Pos: 20.1.3 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Einleitung/I/O-Beschreibung/Allgemein/Verweis auf Kapitel "Anschlüsse" @ 8\mod_1276775378035_21.docx @ 57956 @ @ 1The assignment of the connections is described in the “Connectors” section.Pos: 20.1.4 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Einleitung/LED-Anzeige/LED Zustand Betrieb Klemme @ 14\mod_1359040991238_21.docx @ 109921 @ @ 1The operating status of the I/O module is indicated by a green status LED.Pos: 20.1.5 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Einleitung/LED-Anzeige/Verweis auf Kapitel "Anzeigeelemente" @ 5\mod_1246010525000_21.docx @ 36194 @ @ 1The meaning of the LEDs is described in the “Display Elements” section.Pos: 20.1.6 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Einleitung/Versorgung/Anordnung unter Berücksichtigung der Leistungskontakte beliebig @ 3\mod_1233756233468_21.docx @ 27099 @ @ 1With consideration of the power jumper contacts, the individual modules can bearranged in any combination when configuring the fieldbus node. An arrangementin groups within the group of potentials is not necessary.Pos: 20.1.7 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Einleitung/Versorgung/Versorgung 24 V, 0 V über Leistungskontakte Standard @ 3\mod_1226498974531_21.docx @ 25020 @ @ 1The I/O module 750-630 (SSI Transmitter Interface) receives the 24 V voltagesupply for the field level from an upstream I/O module or from the fieldbuscoupler/controller via blade-formed power jumper contacts. It then provides thesepotentials to subsequent I/O modules via spring-formed power jumper contacts.Pos: 20.1.8 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Wichtige Erläuterungen/Sicherheits- und sonstige Hinweise/Hinweis/Hinweis: Potentialeinspeiseklemme für Erde einsetzen! (keine LK für Erde) @ 3\mod_1226499037468_21.docx @ 25023 @ @ 1Use supply modules for ground (earth)!The I/O module has no power jumper contacts for receiving and transmitting theearth potential. Use a supply module when an earth potential is needed for thesubsequent I/O modules.Pos: 20.1.9 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Wichtige Erläuterungen/Sicherheits- und sonstige Hinweise/Achtung/Achtung: Maximaler Strom Leistungskontakte 10 A @ 3\mod_1226499143500_21.docx @ 25029 @ @ 1Do not exceed maximum current via power jumper contacts!The maximum current to flow through the power jumper contacts is 10 A.Greater currents can damage the contacts.When configuring your system, ensure that this current is not exceeded. Ifexceeded, insert an additional supply module.Pos: 20.1.10 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Einleitung/Versorgung/Galvanische Trennung Feld/System @ 3\mod_1233756478750_21.docx @ 27102 @ @ 1The field voltage and the system voltage are electrically isolated from each other.Pos: 20.1.11 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Einleitung/Einsatzbereich/Einsatzbereich 750-xxxx alle Koppler/Controller ohne Economy-Koppler @ 3\mod_1232541867468_21.docx @ 26525 @ @ 1The I/O module 750-630 can be used with all fieldbus couplers/controllers of theWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 (except for the economy types 750-320, -323, -324and -327).Pos: 20.1.12 /Alle Serien (Allgemeine Module)/Hinweise zur Dokumentation/Gültigkeitsbereich Dokumentation Ergänzung "ab HW/SW-Version" @ 20\mod_1407749774742_21.docx @ 161508 @ @ 1This documentation is only applicable from FW/HW-Version 3A/05.Pos: 20.2 /Dokumentation allgemein/Gliederungselemente/---Seitenwechsel--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1