APPENDICESPage 13Any descriptions, drawings, specifications, samples, models, bulletins, or similar material, used in connection withthe sale of the product, shall not be construed as an express warranty that the product will conform or comply withyour requirements.Should any provision of this agreement be declared invalid, that provision shall be treated as separate from theagreement, and the agreement shall remain in force without limitation in all other respects.If this product is found to be defective, the purchaser may be entitled to institute legal proceedings against theseller on grounds of liability for deficiency. The statutory rights indicated with regard to the seller are not limited inany way by this warranty. Rather, this warranty affords the purchaser rights in addition to those indicated in thepresent text.This limited warranty shall apply if the seller's corporate domicile is in the European Union or in Iceland, Norway,Jersey, Switzerland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, the Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Slovakia,Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Malta, Tunisia, Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, the Lebanon, Jordan,Israel, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Iran or South Africa.This Limited Warranty and Liability is governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.Should you have any questions about this Agreement, or if you desire to contact WACOM for any reason, pleasecontact in writing:WACOM Europe GmbHEuropark Fichtenhain A947807 KrefeldGERMANY